Long car journeys with young children can be tricky, but there are some things which you can do to help. My aim when travelling is to keep everyone warm, comfortable, fed and watered and then hopefully the journey will be fine. icarhireinsurance.com have asked me to share my tips for getting through long car journeys with children and they’re offering a TomTom Start 25 5-inch Sat Nav with lifetime maps of Europe for one Mums do travel reader. Here are my tips:
Before you set off
- Plan your route and include time for stops so that you all have a chance to stretch your legs, have something to eat and drink and find a loo. Involve the kids in the plan so that they know where you’re going and how long the journey will be.
- Think about starting your journey when the children are likely to sleep, even if it means travelling at night.
- Charge your mobile phones and other gadgets and take car chargers with you.
- Tire the kids out so that they’ll sleep in the car.
- Make sure that everyone’s wearing comfortable clothes – onesies or pyjamas might help the kids to sleep more easily.
- Make sure that everyone’s eaten, had something to drink and been to the toilet (or has a clean nappy).
Things to pack for the journey
- An insulated cool bag containing non-sticky snacks and bottles of water. If it’s hot take frozen drinks which will gradually thaw as you travel.
- Fleece blankets and small pillows to help kids feel comfortable and sleepy in the car.
- A change of clothes for each child just in case they need them.
- A bag of toys – but avoid small bits which could get lost and cause frustration.
- A potty if you’re potty training and for times when your child is bursting for a wee and you’re nowhere near a toilet.
- Plastic bags for rubbish, dirty clothes and in case anyone is travel sick.
- Play games such as I Spy or car bingo. icarhireinsurance have some free, printable car games to entertain children on long journeys – you can download them here.
- Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel.
- Listen to children’s stories and music on CDs, an MP3 player or a tablet.
Do you have any tips for getting through long car journeys with children?
How to enter
For a chance to win a TomTom Start 25 5-inch Sat Nav with lifetime maps of Europe just do this:
- Add your favourite tip from above (or your own tip) for for getting through long car journeys with children to the comments section below.
- Enter via the Rafflecopter widget below.
Good luck!
Tracey Quinn says
Playing games, we always play i spy
Marie Evans says
Watch films via the i pad.
Hannah Whitling says
Playing car games is great as can be done as a family
Ellen Stafford says
We write a list of things to look out for on the journey and tick them off.
Ellen Stafford recently posted…Competition: Win Wordsearch Junior Board Game
Kirsty Fox says
We take a dvd player and a couple of dvds and by the time they have watched a film we are practically at our destination.
Karis says
Play knock knock, ring ring.
Su Brett says
Take fruit and veg as snacks, don’t give boiled sweets especially to younger children – one of ours started choking – it’s frightening at any time but especially on a busy motorway
Angie Pickering says
My grandkids age 7 and 6 love reading so we just give them new books ( from the library) and also play I spy
Caroline Blaza says
A good CD for singing along too.
Domestic Goddesque says
We have a great game called Guess The DVD. It requires encyclopaedic knowledge of our large DVD collection and is based on 20 Questions. Keeps us busy for ages when we take a break from listening to audiobooks.
Domestic Goddesque recently posted…Can do. Kano Computer kids can build themselves.
Wendy Smith says
Sing along CDs work for us
Sylvia Paul says
A Nintendo DS with a new game on it always works wonders x
Catherine Gregory says
Eye spy, colouring books and singing songs
joe suttle says
plenty of sweets and music!
jessica newman says
snacks and an ipad always work with my 2 monkeys
Karen Froud says
A favourite game we play is to spot Monkey Puzzle trees. I know it sounds odd but there aren’t loads about but enough to keep the game interesting.
Travelling overnight otherwise is always best I have found – quieter roads as well as hopefully sleeping children.
Zoe Coen says
Fleece blankets and small pillows to help kids feel comfortable and sleepy in the car.
jen lloyd says
eye spy is always a winner
kristin burdsall says
When possible i try to do really long journeys through the night so when my children were very little they would sleep most of the way. I also had a few successful trips leaving just after evening rush hour traffic, stopping half way for treats and arriving at my destination very late in the night. The children would usually stay asleep when taken inside so worked well for us 🙂
Amy Rennocks says
Travel early morning so they can nap in the car and little games like I spy etc usually pass the time.
Damien Broom says
Plenty of sweets!
Lynn Woodcock says
Listen to children’s stories and music on CDs, an MP3 player or a tablet.
Sammy Fairman says
Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel
Debbie Preston says
Definitely the entertainment tips – lots of different ideas. We play car bingo using colours
Karla Gold says
Have some family sing songs
Rebecca Barnes says
Have some drinks and healthy snacks on hand to stop any grumpy moments! And let them pick from a selection of books. If all else fails, spot the yellow car game is great!
Melanie Hill says
I’ve always found a pillow and blankets have been good for my lad….if it doesn’t and he’s talking the life out of me I use them to and go to sleep 😀
Valerie Kay says
Fleece blankets and small pillows to help kids feel comfortable and sleepy in the car 🙂
olivia Kirby says
COmfy clothes are a must, and factor in a number of short stops
christine westlake says
play games- my sons loved guessing how many emergency vehicles with blue lights we would see on the trip, adults also had to guess, so we would always make a wild way out guess so that they would win- didn’t always work though.
Margaret Glover says
Hannah Jayne Martin says
Give them their own camera so they can log all their own special memories x
Alison Johnson says
Depending on the age of your children – regular breaks, music & if possible something to watch cartoons or a film on. My son was never bothered on long journeys & used to just spend the time looking out the window or sleeping. We were very lucky!
Hazel Murphy says
Frozen ice-pops are good because drinks get spilt.
I W says
A journey would not be survivable without portable DVD players and Frozen (STILL!)
Jessica T says
Drip Feed children food – make each snack interesting, healthy (no sugar in the car – from experience this leads to undesired high energy levels) and perhaps even a little interactive (i.e. stacking cheese and ham on a cracker).
chirag p says
Ipad has become a must along with the car charger
liz ferguson says
keep them hydrated with small drinks and often .. this will keep their mood good.
and a movie .. usually sends mine to sleep xx
Caroline B says
Plenty of healthy snacks and drinks, eye spy and an ‘eye witness’ type quiz where they have certain things they have to spot on journey (siblings and parents can compete), such as ‘yellow lorry’, ‘for sale sign’ ‘BP garage etc’ This is good for observation but also keeps their eyes outside which helps keep travel sickness at bay! 🙂
Jennifer B says
A good selection of the music he loves! Taylor Swift & The Cars Soundtrack keep him clapping his hands and singing along for a good while, just make sure it’s something you can cope with hearing many times in a row when the inevitable ‘again’ is heard
tamalyn roberts says
plenty of drinks and snacks and we play silly games – car colours etc
John Gunn says
An in-car DVD player is an absolute must! With 5 children the only problem then is the fight over which film to watch!
pamela gossage says
Have plenty of talking books / crayons and colouring books / snacks and drinks
Emma Fox says
We play eye spy the colour …… since my son does not know his letters yet.
Kathleen Bywaters says
Portable DVD players and a new movie usually keep them quiet!
soneailiami says
games, colouring books, smartphone with cartoons
Rebecca Powell says
Load lots of films on to the iPad and let the kids watch what they want while we’re on the move
Emily Knight says
Play car journey bingo – make a list of things that the kids need to spot on the journey (e.g. a yellow car, a cow in a field by the roadside etc.) and award prizes if they find everything on the list…
Emily Knight recently posted…Gourmet Burger Kitchen via Deliveroo: Review
Tina L-D says
we play car bingo. before we go we print out sheets with 9 different pictures on each of what we might see on our journey, a caravan, a pond, Duck, sheep etc , the first one to spot all their items wins =D
Anthony says
We play Guess a Character. One person thinks of a character in books or films and others ask questions to determine the identity of the character
Katherine Coldicott says
We always download childrens books to listen to.
samantha bolter says
some good singalong music – always a must on a long journey
Julia Linsley says
Lots of singing and I spy games also I make scrapbook quiz books up with questions and pictures
Jamie Millard says
STAGGER the schedule for snacks and entertainment. don’t go all in – you’ll regret it.
Jane Middleton says
word games and stories
Patricia Avery says
What is the answer Nan? My grandchildren enjoy testing me on maths problems, spellings and times tables. They are only allowed to ask ones that they know the answer to. If I get anything wrong they get an ice cream when we stop. Keeps them going for hours 🙂
L P Mulligan says
Ipads very helpful
Minnie15 says
Playing games – verbal guess who and ‘cucumber’ (think of an action and others have to guess by asking questions) ‘do you cucumber every day?’ etc – always passes the time very well! 🙂 x
Isabelle Smith says
car songs xx
karen Howden says
We play i-Spy
Kerry Kilmister says
Be sure to take lots of easy to do travel games with you to entertain your children. Preventing boredom saves alot of whining
Kerry Lethbridge says
We always try to travel in line with nap time but when the twins are awake we do a lot of singing and stop regularly
Karen Lloyd says
Playing eye spy is my favourite.
rachael jones says
Tire the kids out so that they’ll sleep in the car.
Steven Hartwright says
Snacks and good music to listen to always works for me
Wendy Tolhurst says
When we drove to France on holiday a couple of times, my husband and I would plan the journey ahead. Then, I would make activity sheets for the children, based on the route – eg, if we were going through somewhere with a cathedral, I would put that on a list. I would make some easier than others, eg the ferry, so everyone could join in. It taught the children a little about the journey and kept them occupied.
steph lovatt says
We play first to spot, a bit like eye spy (e.g. first to spot a blue car)
Sarah Buckley says
Think about starting your journey when the children are likely to sleep, even if it means travelling at night – This is a great trip, I’d never normally plan on starting a journey at night but it makes so much sense!!
Allison says
sarah says
playing games, listen to music they know and like and take planty of snacks and drinks for them.
jen jackson says
Take puzzle books
Selina says
iPad or books!
Laura Cooper says
My 19 month old daughter really doesn’t like travelling very far so if we have to go on a long journey we time it so she is due for a nap. Then she will (hopefully) sleep through it.
Julie Booth says
plenty of games, colouring books, dvds and snacks
Ellie P says
Play “I Spy” 🙂
Mia Clarke says
Drinks and snacks, whilst watching their DVD player
Alison says
Pack a box with treats, puzzles, small toys and let them have something at intervals along the route
Alison recently posted…Sparkling Matcha – A Cooling Summer Drink
Linda Hill says
Playing simple games with pennies for prizes (nowadays I think sweets are preferred but not by me) which can be used for spending money when you arrive at your destination. We used to play ‘I spy’, first to see a bus, a policeman, a fire engine, a sheep etc and alphabet games as the kiddies get older such as countries, rivers, flowers, animals etc beginning with A C etc. My own children really loved and now my grandchildren do. It certainly works and can be educational as well as fun!
Kate Jones says
karoke style playlist so I can belt out the songs 🙂
Amanda Goldston says
We have always made sure that we have our Snack Bag with us, that consists of a mixture of sweet and savoury snacks,as well as fruit, sandwiches, water and wipes!
Kay Broomfield says
My son watches DVDs on a long journey!
Allan Fullarton says
Plenty of games.
Maureen Quinnell says
Definitely plenty of sick bags and changes of clothes
Sarah Heath says
Dress children in a onesie and give them a blanket and a night time toy, helps them sleep.
Jenny Jones says
check places to stop on your route in advance to be able to stop for neccessary breaks with young children in the car. We also play a game and count all the ediie stobart trucks on the road, kids love it
barbara madden says
i have two boys and we travel on the motorway some times and when we go out we count Eddie stobart lorries up to there ages then our bithdays then our door numbers that way they dont forget what number they where at its great fun when im on my own i still seem to do it
Margaret Nokling says
I spy is a great game also sing along!
Claire Denise York says
Play music and all sing along!!
Kristy Brown says
Portable DVD players the whole way for me
Elisa Trueman says
Play making words out of the letters in car registration plates. Take prizes for coming up with the best words.
lucia m says
spot the car makes/badges!
bridie summersgill says
make car bingo cards before we set off – lots of things to look for and it keeps them interested
Pam Francis Gregory says
•Listen to children’s stories and music on CDs, an MP3 player or a tablet.
Karen R says
My best tip is to have a child that sleeps in the car like our dd1 🙂 Other than that electronic devices with games and a film are really good 🙂
Greig spencer says
play i spy and other car game classics
Frances Heaton says
Playing I Spy can be fun, or other games.
Julie Easby says
Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel.
Carry Spare Nappy Bags if your child dosent travel well and keep windows open a little to allow cool air to flow in
Nicola says
My toddler twins have a DVD player with a screen each so they can watch Peppa Pig while we drive! They love it and it makes for a peaceful journey! x
teresa sheldon says
we all have a sing along and play different games
cyril rowlands says
cheacks passing cars, to see if their number plates match our initials
Elle Warwick says
Playing games
Helen Allan says
•Fleece blankets and small pillows to help kids feel comfortable and sleepy in the car.
Gina Camacho says
i always take drinks and snacks for the trip xx they always want it xx
Gina Camacho recently posted…Dubrovnik Off-Road Buggy Safaris
Diana says
Their favourite songs 🙂
lesley smith says
Before we set off we make a chart of things to look for i.e. yellow car, car with a bike rack,blue van, and the one who spots the most at the end of the journey wins.
Sarah Mills says
•Play games such as I Spy or car bingo
Angela McDonald says
Kids stories and music on cd is a brilliant idea!
stephen holman says
get them a cheap tablet or nintendo ds ! keeps them quiet for hours!
sandra ralph says
we play eyespy but we use colors for the younger children so they can join in too
Paul Walsh says
Put a portable dvd player on for them
Suzy M says
We listen to stories on cd, usually Roald Dahl
Charlene Keddy says
Listen to children’s stories and music on CDs, an MP3 player or a tablet – or tell your own stories!
claire little says
entertainment is essential 🙂
Keshia Esgate says
Lots of games like eye-spy
shirley anne adams says
always take along stuff the children like such as books or colouring in or little handheld games and also make sure you have food and drinks for them then you,ll always have happy kids on a long journey also play the music they like 🙂
Kat Allinson says
We play a game where we each have to shout out a certain type of vehicle, usually my daughter has lorry, me motorbikes and my daughter always gives vans to my husband and then argues that they are mini buses or small lorries. whoever misses the first one loses
Sarah Franks says
This is my favourite tip, because kids will fall asleep anywhere if they’re tired enough but no one wants to deal with a really cranky kid because they’ve got cold or stiff falling asleep in an awkward position. Worse still is the dreaded car-sleep-headache if they fall asleep with their head against the window and wake up with a headache from the vibrations! “Fleece blankets and small pillows to help kids feel comfortable and sleepy in the car”
nicola james says
travel at night…..they sleep!!
Sarah S says
Pack pillows for a long journey so at least the children have somewhere comfortable to lay their heads if they get sleepy. I also pack a couple of blankets because it can get very chilly if you are driving through the night
susan Trubey says
Play games such as I Spy or car bingo
James Donaghy says
No matter where we go its first one to spot blackpool tower
Make sure ipads/ipods etc are fully charged!!
angela sandhu says
katie bennett says
Both my boys have trouble in the car so when we were going on a long trip i made sure we packed lots of activities to make the trip go better … we played games and counted how many cars …. the only trouble we had was when we were getting near to where we were going i had to help daddy navigate … and has soon as we pulled up and parked both boys were sick … but least we got them out the car first ….
jamie banks says
games and snacks x
kirsty mills says
we always set off middle of night about 12/1am and its 6 hours drive to cornwall and thats when people are fallen asleep!
Sarah Archibald says
We play who can spot the red cars first, and eye spy with colours, something pink something blue etc.
elaine stokes says
get the kids to pack a bag each of the things they want to do in the car on the trip……….. also pack one yourself
Donata says
We play games like I spy, take a lot of toys and games like Rubik’s Cube, Nintendo console etc for the kids to play with, plenty of snacks and drinks ( but not too much drink to avoid endless toilet breaks), and the most important lots and lots of wet wipes and a hand sanitizing gel!
Corinne Peat says
Lots of kids music to entertain them.
Tracey Gwynne says
I like a talking book…its amazing what the imagination can do on a long car journey
Becky Cowley says
Great tips! We always make sure that gadgets are charged and that we have in car chargers. We do family storys, so each of us makes up a sentence to the stroy, they usually get very silly but it passes the time
leanne weir says
We play eye spy – simple but it works a treat
bobbie says
DVD players are a wonderful invention for keeping even toddlers amused
Michael Clarke says
Gag them
Gretta Schifano says
Nicola Lynch says
We always play the Eddie Stobart game. First to shout Eddie Stobart whenever you spot one gets a point. Keep count, it’s surprising how many there are!!! Not sure this will help us with our 2 year old on a journey to France this summer though. Think I’ll be refering to your tips above! Thanks.
joanne thomas says
if you have time take them swimming first, they will be tired and sleep for quite a while
Jade Walsh says
Having a sing-a-long or playing I -Spy! My little sisters are very quiet in the car and prefer to just listen to music or sleep (they’re 2 and 7), so I suppose we’re quite lucky haha =) x
Rebecca Howe says
Play games and take a few breaks for leg stretches and toilet breaks
Kerry Bennett says
Play games such as I spy
Kirsty N says
I love the car bingo tip…a good way to break up long journeys, especially with the promise of a prize!
Alison Clark says
Look for Eddie Stobarts trucks – they all have a different name on them – we started as kids and we still look now.
Brian Cheney says
Get them involved in navigating with their own map – just make sure you already know the way!
donna l jones says
i spy
Lisa Everaert says
We play alot of i-spy and play chas n dave songs on the long journeys. The kids love singing `Rabbit rabbit`.
Claire Toplis says
I spy always
Claire Toplis recently posted…Un Comfortable Being Me
Sharon Arnott says
I like the idea of listening to stories on CD, MP3 player etc
lynn heath says
My Favourite tip is to remember to charge ipads and Nintendo DS… I recently set out on a three hour trip with my three and realised after about 20 minutes that I had failed to charge them…. Complete fail! my oldest two proceeded to moan all the way!
Allan Wilson says
We get them to pick a car colour and the first to spot 20 in that colour wins. Invariably they pick obscure colours so it keeps them going for miles.
Jennifer Heard says
Load some kids movies on to a tablet
russell hutton says
i spy
Linda McGarrigle says
Has to be the childrens music, much prefer those irritating songs to the sound of my children trying to kill each other 😛
James Wright says
tablets with games and movies on
lyn burgess says
Think about starting your journey when the children are likely to sleep, even if it means travelling at night.
sally brown says
Make sure they are fed, watered and have been to loo before even getting in car, Ensure you have snacks and drnks for journey, Also take pillows and blankets, and toys to keep them occupied, Make sure you take plenty of stops to break journey up xxx
Angela Hedley says
hi, I have 4 sons and trips can be a pain! I found that wrapping a small present, that can be opened along the way works well. Ie – colouring book & pencils
Tracey Morgan says
We sing along to songs in the car
Teresa Lee says
Tire the kids out so that they’ll sleep in the car
Tammy Tudor says
Planning is key! Pack entertainment like books, music and then plan activities when these fail, eye spy, bingo, travel games, etc.
Rebecca Nisbet says
we play a game called yellow punch, but we took away the punching and just say it, everytime we saw a yellow vehicle, be it a tractor or a car we have to shout punch, the kids usually sleep though.
kayleigh white says
We print off eye spy sheets – with things for the kids to tick off on the journey!
We leave a space for them to draw a picture of something they saw on the journey too!
Paul Witney says
Keep them entertained with tablets and other handheld devices.
Jennifer Toal says
Make individual activity packs with magazines games and puzzle coloring books and Ted to cuddle when tired.
Sheila Shepheard says
I buy small toys (lego/playmobile mini figs, maze puzzles, etc) and comics and wrap them individually. I then give one out to each child every hour or so. They love the anticipation and actually appreciate long journeys as they get more gifts!
Gretta Schifano says
Wow! That’s impressive – lucky children!
James McKenna says
A ‘things to look out for’ on the journey game or similar. Good to keep referring back to at difficult times!
Monica Gilbert says
I find that having a selection of music my daughter likes works really well. Also, having a window to look out of is great for her.
Michelle Ferguson says
Keep stopping so they can stretch their legs.
Laura S says
Agree with the entertainment – films.
Anne Leitch says
Car sickness has at times been a problem for one of my kids and always need to be prepared in advance with plastic bags ready at hand in just in case!
Paula Phillips says
Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel.
We play I spy.
Claire B says
We’ve always found ” Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel. ” worked great or my son now has an ipad which is great too
Andrew Hindley says
Play games such as I Spy or car bingo
Stephanie Whitehouse says
I take a big tub of crudites – not sticky, and lots of entertainment picking what to have next
vicki hennie says
we always play spot the red car, green car, dog walker my son loves to win
Lydia Frew says
Get out some free audiobooks from your library.
Andy Kadir-Buxton says
I used to be happy collecting car colours, now it has to be IPads and smartphones.
Adele Jarrett-Kerr says
If you’re going on a particularly long journey, try driving during naptime or nighttime if you can.
Adele Jarrett-Kerr recently posted…Figuring out the storage in our home
Suzanne Cooke says
we write a story to tell when we get to the end, we both write a sentence each
Emma Campbell says
Having a sing a long. Think me and my girls got through most of the Disney songs once!
Izzy says
We bring an insulated cool bag containing non-sticky snacks and bottles of water. If it’s hot take frozen drinks which will gradually thaw as you travel.
anthony martin says
play in car games like i spy, spot the… and have a list of things to tivk off, the A-Z game where you fo, animals, boys/girls names, birds. countries, cities, fruit n veg etc going each letter in a circle doing the next letter on your turn
Sara JaneG says
they play games on the tablet
Natalie Crossan says
We play eye spy 🙂 xx
jackie rushton says
Portable DVD players for the kids to use to watch movies!
Harriet says
colouring books
Lauren Old says
Tiring the kids out one is very accurate!
Lucia Critchley says
wrap a toy in lots of layers of paper so it takes them a long to unwrap it 🙂
Bob Clark says
We each choose a colour then score a point for each bus or coach of that colour we see
marie says
Tire them out! first
Will Triscott says
We play eye spy
Michelle Banks says
the ipad lol
Spencer Broadle)y says
We travel overnight – then they are asleep
JB says
Stop often
Susan Ellins says
Colouring books
Chris Elston says
Games based around number plates of other vehicles on the roads, we did it when I was a kid and now I do it with my own.
That and setting off ridiculously early so they sleep through most of it.
Jenna Parrington says
Snacks, toys, ipad and patience!! 🙂
Jenna Parrington recently posted…My Gaming Essentials
lynn heath says
This is my favourite tip… A change of clothes for each child just in case they need them. As I have been caught out many times with my kids!!!
Take story books so you can read to them.
charlotte says
have a list of things for them to spot. if you find one you get a point!
Kasia says
Play games such as I Spy or car bingo!
Kat Glynn says
We always take frozen drinks for long joureys especially if its hot, that my top tip too! x
Ema J Lowe says
Take plenty of snack and drinks with you on, your journey.
Leanne V Mckenna says
We look out for Eddie Stobart lorries, and write down the names of them
Sarah Lee says
Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel
Gavin says
Charge your mobile phones and other gadgets and take car chargers with you.
Sue Hutchins says
I Spy, truck spotting and sing a long to the radio/cds.
Richard Rowley says
Making sure you are wearing comfortable clothes
Kym Robson says
A tablet with plenty of games or portable dvd player with several films and always plan to take a few stops to break the journey
Harley says
Good old fashion eye spy
Geoff Dagger says
Plenty of the child’s preferred music.
Louise Asekokhai says
Lots of apps and audio books on the ipod and stick on their earphones!
Aggie says
I buy a bag of children’s books from a charity shop for my little one to read on our way.
aaron broad says
Nintendo DS3 is perfect equipment, keeps my little sister quiet!
roley martin says
Entertainment a MUST!!!
Jackie Chapman says
We play car colours, we each choose a colour car and count all of the cars we see in our colour. We also like to try and make words from car registration plates.
Kim Styles says
We do spot the pub but we have two teams and one is people and things, one is animals and birds , so for example the kings head would come under the people team and they would score 1. The spread eagle being for the birds team and so on.
Richard Tyler says
Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel.
Emma Silvester says
Our favourite is singing along to songs (Particularly bohemian Rhapsody) very loudly! We also look out for Pirates (cars with only one light working).
Tony says
Play some games
Gillian McLeod says
DVDs work well
laura stewart says
we play our own games xx
Kaci Soderstrom says
Break up the journey a bit with stops.. especially to places they’ll enjoy
Kevin Eley says
Tire the kids out so that they’ll sleep in the car.
jon morris says
we play travel scrabble
katherine s says
Make sure all gadgets like DVD players and Ipads are fully charged and have earphones attached.
Susan Sargent says
Play I spy, when bored go to count red cars, and so on
Doreen Mccarthy says
Always make sure that they have plenty to do, for example pens and paper, a board game or 2, and 3Ds etc for my son especially
Abbie says
Playing games with the kids, keeps the entertained and can be educational
Simon Tinsley says
I tell them their brother Phil used to make a lot of noise on road trips. When they say, “We haven’t got a brother called Phil” I just smile and say, “I said he USED to make a lot of noise!”
Works every time. Failing that – duct tape.
Kidding. I have Frozen on DVD and a laptop. What else would you need?
jessica cook says
we play the car colour game…before we set off everyone picks a colour of a car…on our travels we add up how many we see in each picked colour n the most spotted colour wins!
lorraine rogers says
plenty of food and drink and a portable dvd player and the frozen dvd. my grandchildren love frozen and will watch and sing without moving apart from dancing to the music mesmerised by the whole film
Kate Cass says
We play so many games, make up stories, always have wipes, bottled water, rubbish bags etc My favourite tip is ‘be prepared!’ Mints to suck if anyone feels travel sick, knowing places to stop on the way so a TomTom would be great for that. Sometimes I feel like I’m packing for a short holiday just for the journey! All great tips above which collectively come under the biggest tip, ‘be prepared!’
sandy calico says
We play car cricket on the motorway. Every bridge you go under, each support column counts as a run, go under a footbridge and you’re out.
sandy calico recently posted…100 Pounds Lighter
Erica Price says
I take an empty icecream tub for travel sickness. Reusable and no sneaky holes.
Erica Price recently posted…Junior Language Challenge 2015
Cheryl says
Think you’ve said it best – tire the kids out so that they’ll sleep in the car.
Angela wilson says
We make words from the last 3 letters of number plates
Karen Usher says
Always always always bring their comfort toy if they have one
Jay Scales says
Love the tip about plastic bags – we always end up with rubbish strewn in the footwells! I may put a small roll of bin liners in the glove box so I always have some
sarah-dawn pope says
We listen to audiobooks and play “first one to see” games, and some other word games that we have made up
kathy says
we like to sing what we can see
Lorraine Tinsley says
I always try to travel just before nap times (when they were younger) so they would sleep part way, I also make sure we leave with plenty of time so we can stop at least once for a leg stretch and it’s fun to explore services
Margaret Lee-Roberts says
Give an anti-sickness med in good time and bring a change of clothes, just in case!
tiggerific1973 says
When my children were younger we played making words from number plates. The one with the best one won…..but they are twins so they both won or there was arguments and sulks lol
Keith Hunt says
Tire the kids out so that they’ll sleep in the car.
laura jayne bates says
lots of travel games
Julie Davies says
I spy always passes the time
olga carpenter says
i play looking out for a certain colour car
Jay says
Give the kids the tablets/mobiles and hope for the best – our oldest is Autistic (like us) so without something to focus all his attention we hear never-ending facts about every other car on the road.
Gretta Schifano says
Have you seen the car number plate guide book? My son used to have one and loved it. It explains the meaning of all the different numbers and letters in car number plates. Maybe your son would like it too.
Kathleen Thomson says
We play yellow car, orange car, pink car. You get 1 point for every yellow 2 for every orange and 5 points for every pink car whoever has most points at end of journey wins
Henry says
Favourite tip is to tire the kids out!
jen morgan says
lots of games/activities to keep them occupied. Also take regular stops
Simon Benson says
play the car colour bingo with prewritten cards with different colours on
Laura Marshall says
an Ipad to watch movies on!
Nikki Stewart says
On very long journeys I wrap a few little gifts (colouring book, travel game, sweets etc) for them to open every so many miles x
andrea tinkler says
I always make sure they have a small pillow in case they want to sleep through the journey. i once caught them playing a game, then realised when they shouted “seen one” what they were actually doing is shouting when they saw roadkill…yuk
Gretta Schifano says
No! That’s horrible! But I guess at least they were communicating and working as a team!
Julie D says
ispy was our favourite but kids got phones and tablets with games on now!
jen says
Some good sing along music playing
Hayley Evans says
We love playing eye spy, spot the red car and we have the radio on and change the lyrics to funny ones and sing along
Mark Palmer says
Games and films on tablets
Hekna says
I like the idea of involving the kids in planning the stops. you could make up a list of places names in between each stop for them to watch out for so they know when you’re getting near.
Sarah rees says
We play I-spy, listen to music, each hunt for different colour cars and see how many we can count
karen cowley says
A good old sing song always does the trick x
Jim Kerr says
Listen to children’s stories and music on CDs, an MP3 player or a tablet.
iain maciver says
good music and eye spy
jayne hall says
play i soy games and sing
Michelle Smith says
Looking for certain cars/colours
Neil Pearson says
I Spy Books – I had them as well when I was a kid
Rita Hutton says
be prepared to play loads of games of I SPY, COUNTING CARS, SINGING and if all fails, there is always the DS Game.
Steven Lane says
A good dvd seems to do the trick.
Pam Hubbard says
We play first to spot a certain colour car xx
Dawn Henson says
Picking out a car colour and asking them to see how many they can see and plenty of snacks to keep them going
Laura Jeffs says
My favourite from the tips above:
Play games such as I Spy or car bingo. icarhireinsurance have some free, printable car games to entertain children on long journeys – you can download them here.
Jessica Powell says
Singing. Lots of singing.
Siobhan Davis says
Lots of patience and laughter, A good old game of eye spy and singing music 🙂
Amanda Walsh says
We have a lot of car games ready to play, eye spy, spot the car, boy girl animal food etc
Amanda Walsh recently posted…Peppa Pig Holiday Time Sunshine Villa
leigh boyle says
for little ones if you can plan around nap time so they sleep on the way x
crystal williamson says
send them with Grandma
Fiona S says
I like these tips a lot, we have a long journey to Holland planned! Mine is like your first one, make sure you leave lots of time so you don’t feel like you have to rush.
Louise A says
Try not to let them drink fizzy drinks or loads or sweets/choc etc either before or during the journey
Wendy Becker says
leave em at home peace
Sarah Pybus says
An insulated cool bag containing non-sticky snacks and bottles of water. If it’s hot take frozen drinks which will gradually thaw as you travel.
Tania Atfield says
We write down different objects/things the children have to find.
Maureen findley says
play games in the car. first one to spot a yellow car etc
Ann Robinson says
A tablet is good for playing games or watching films with a mixture of good old fashioned car games such as i-spy
Hilda Hazel Wright says
Any kind of made up I spy games are good to keep them looking out of the window and avoiding car sickness. Good for me too since I’m terrible with it!
Caroline Clarke says
Make up some Car Bingo cards and give them to the kids before setting off. The cards can have anything on them that you would expect to see on your drive, such as an aeroplane or tractor. 🙂
Kerry Charlesworth says
We sit with the kids the night before and line up all the music they want to play in the car so they are entertained and singing along on our trip!!
Richard Randall says
An iPad loaded with movies and games.
Richard Randall recently posted…Marina soa.marina@yandex.com = Scam
Maxine G says
Break up the journey with frequent stops – it makes the journey longer, but it gives everybody the opportunity to see differently things, stretch our legs and wear the children out! We play lots of games and sing songs to keep the journey entertaining such as spot the pub name, guess what is on the lorry and eye spy
Edward Guerreiro says
I feel the following is an essential tip:
Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel.
Scott Walliss says
We guess the colour of the next car coming towards us if the roads are quiet.
Allan Smith says
iPad and 3DS!
Cat Culmer says
We make words from partial number plates
Karl Borowy says
films on tablet
Kat Lucas says
Allow for time to stop and burn off some energy whether running in a park or just running in a shop to get bottles of water so it breaks up the trips
Rob Haxell says
A portable dvd player and a choice of films always in the car for long journeys.
Richard Turner says
take lots of games for them to play & have a few stops to break the journey
Pm liu says
I bring my iPad, which is loaded with toddler, games, interactive story books, songs and toddler movies
Zoe G says
I find travelling while they are asleep is the best option, we leave early morning, and they are just waking up when we reach our destination
laura banks says
we play i spy but it ends up being things we passed a bout a mile back which does make it a bit hard
Georgia Norton says
I make a road sign/vehicle/street furniture bingo…Keeps them entertained for a while! 🙂
sal says
leave the kids behind!
Jane Davies says
Fun educational games, such as counting cars, counting car colours, name the car etc
If that fails then get the iPad out ! 😀
Mary Farrar says
Roald dahl CDs are my kids favourite
Victoria N says
I always have a few cheap, quiet toys that are new for my daughter to play with on very long trips
Anthony Harrington says
we play “the first one to spot a black van/dog/bike/police car” etc also memory games if that gets exhausted then we result to listing to audio book stories.
Katrina Goatly says
DVD players have been the best purchase ever – no more arguing kids
fozia Akhtar says
Organise lots of games
M.R Amin says
We play guess the song in the car. We play 30 seconds of a song and there’s a point each for guessing the name of the song and the name of the artist. Doesn’t always go well without a buzzer lol. The kids end up squabbling over who shouted it out first.
Ruth says
lots of singing and variations of ‘I went to the shop and bought…’
Marycarol says
Spare clothes is a must and a portable dvd players helps pass the time too.
Johan Ellermann says
I found the best way is to play a game where they look at number plates and try to spot the ones that look like actual words, you’d be amazed at how many words can be spotted and how funny some of these can be.
winnie says
we play lots of nursery rhyme cds
Julie Henderson says
we play guess who ie name a footballer with surname T and the question maker thinks of one then others have to guess . the winner then makes up next question
Mrs Rachel Heap says
A fully charged IPAD, Iphone, lots of snacks and that normally works!
kayleigh Bates says
Ipads are a must
Lynsey Buchanan says
We play eye spy
Paula Burnside says
Maxine Owen says
Playing games keeps adults and kids entertained 🙂
Phil says
A new pack of sweets every couple of hours gets my lot through
justine meyer says
We have a preprepared list with all the supermarkets on it and then we play spot the supermarket lorry, the one with the most at the end of the travel wins a small prize x
Victoria Wale says
At the moment it’s singing – fortunately my ipod playlist is good and I enjoy it and we belt everything out x
ashleigh allan says
Have lots of things to keep the kids occupied and take breaks!
Lorna Kennedy says
“Listen to children’s stories and music on CDs, an MP3 player or a tablet.” – This is something that we always do – needs a little prep to make sure the current faves are on but well worth it!
Heather Haigh says
Play lots of games like I-spy, and have a good singalong with some CDs
Andrew Petrie says
Load some kids’ films onto a tablet or a portable DVD player for the children to watch as you travel.
Kerry Gray says
Portable DVD player for kids or tablets to play on
Leanne moore says
Plan how to keep the kids entertained in advance such as activity books and things such as I spy etc .
Tracey Peach says
Play games such as I Spy or car bingo.
kim neville says
We play eye spy, spot the yellow car, some snacks and catchy tunes
Tracy Nixon says
We play the memory game….’when I went on holiday, in my case I took…..’ and other games such as ‘eye spy’ and ‘The Nixon’s dog’ (adaptation of ‘The Parson’s cat’! I like these sorts of games as everyone can join in!
Andrew Finlay says
Have a good singalong CD on hand
gemma brown says
Tire the kids out so that they’ll sleep in the car.
Playing games, we always play i spy and counting certain coloured cars aswell as Stobart truck spotting x
clair downham says
take lots for them to do or those i spy books and also lots of snacks
Elizabeth (Liz) Briggs says
We make our own songs up 🙂 we have had such classics as the Peanut Butter Song and Let it Glow x
Gretta Schifano says
Excellent song choices!
kim plant says
we play spot the pub …the first person to see a pub and say what its called wins … both my kids are 7 (twins) x
Gretta Schifano says
Good tip – sounds fun!